Identity Posture

The Challenge

SaaS users’ identities and access privileges obtain a significant source of risk exposure. Given that most SaaS apps contain their own user identity and access privilege management system, it can be extremely challenging to keep track of who is who and who is allowed to access sensitive data in your SaaS ecosystem. Even if you federate your SaaS apps with your idP system, there can still be serious gaps in security related to identity.

Moreover, even when using idP systems, you might need to keep a few “local” accounts on your SaaS for management purposes, and to maintain access to it in case the idP is down or compromised. Such users will also usually be admins in the SaaS.

Possible security issues may involve inconsistent use of MFA or insufficient management of account lifecycles, which in turn can lead to unauthorized access and result in data breaches. Credential stuffing is another attack vector that exploits weak identity management. Once attackers are inside a SaaS app, they can engage in privilege escalation and gain greater levels of access to corporate assets.

The Solution

By enhancing visibility into diverse identities across various SaaS applications, Suridata offers a way to mitigate identity-related risks. The platform seamlessly gathers all user accounts from your various SaaS apps and indicates whether they are managed by an identity provider (idP) or “locally” within the SaaS.
With that insight to your SaaS users, you can determine whether to switch accounts to be managed by an identity provider (IdP), which can ensure robust security through authenticated access (e.g., SSO or SAML). For user accounts you choose or need to manage locally, Suridata also enables you to keep track on relevant security configurations such as the use of multi-factor authentication (MFA) and passwords policy.
Last but not least, you can easily identify and remove inactive or dormant SaaS user accounts, and continually update permission revocations. With Suridata, you can get insights into every employee's permission and access levels across numerous SaaS applications in a centralized platform.

Business Values

Identify Local Accounts

Gain visibility into local identities across SaaS apps.

Enforce Strong Authentication

Onboard users to the idP and/or enforce SSO and MFA.

Eliminate Inactive Accounts

Offboard inactive users and revoke permissions.